Thursday, November 25, 2021

Swiss Delights: Switzerland’s Famous Food Delicacies


Switzerland is known for its beautiful and astounding sceneries. Tourists venture from far lengths just to witness its breathtaking beauty. But beyond its astounding views, there’s more to Switzerland than one might think. Switzerland also serves the finest and the most delectable delicacies, and frequent Switzerland visitors can certainly attest to this. Typically, when someone says Swiss delicacies, one might think of Swiss chocolates. Believe it or not, there are more numerous more Swiss delicacies that you have to try. Here are Switzerland’s famous food delicacies that will make you want to fly to Europe in an instant! 

Swiss Cheese Fondue 

Cheese has already been famous for being a traditional Swiss food. And because of its popularity, the Swiss have incorporated creativity in making different types of cheese. Swiss Cheese Fondue is one of the few cheese dish inventions. It is a type of melted cheese dish served in a pot and is consumed by dipping bread or fruit in the pot of cheese fondue. A lot of locals consider cheese fondue as their favorite dish because it provides a warm and flavorful taste to any bread or fruit. 

Tarts and Quiches 

Another famous food you must try in Switzerland is its quiche and Swiss cheese tarts. This most delightful dish contains three main ingredients, which are pastry, cheese, and custard. It is loved by money for its aesthetic look and scrumptious flavors. Another good thing about tarts and quiches is that depending on the preference of the chef, they can be stuffed with different foods like fish, meat, and even vegetables for those who want to add little nutrients to them. A simple or grand celebration is always incomplete without tarts and quiches. 

Saffron risotto

Saffron Risotto is a unique traditional Swish dish that locals have grown to love over how many years. A fun fact about Swiss saffron is that it is known to be one of the most expensive and high-quality saffron all across the globe. The reason being to this is that saffron strands are specially handpicked making them very famous, good quality, and in high demand. Of course, everyone wants to experience tasting such an elegant and expensive dish that is made with unique Swiss ingredients. It is typically served with Luganighe sausage. Locals have also learned to make saffron risotto in their very own homes adding ingredients that are readily available while still making it taste as delectable as ever. 


Rosti is a dish is a pan-fried skillet served as a side dish. It is made up of mainly potatoes and is considered as a dish for a yummy breakfast. More ingredients that make up Rosti are coarsely grated potato, butter, cheese, flour, and any preferred fat. It was commonly eaten by farmers but has reached its way to all parts of Switzerland, making it a dish for everyone’s tummy. It is very similar to hash browns but the difference is that a Rosti is cooked in a pain and unlike hashbrowns, it is not super crispy. Some Swiss people have even considered Rosti as a national dish because of their profound love for it. 

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes is a flavorful stew dish with white sauce, some mushrooms, and white wine. Its ingredients are sliced veal strips, white wine, cream, demiglace. It is best served with the Swiss’s favorite Rosti as well as with some rice or pasta. While the dish may intimidate you and give you the impression that it is complicated to make, you’ll be surprised that is just the opposite of what you thought. Some ingredients that may be a little complicated can be easily substituted for easier accessible ones. The flavor is top-notch because of the incorporation of German flavors which is why locals and even tourists have Zürcher Geschnetzeltes as their number-favorite Swiss food. 


Landjager is known for being a snack for those who hike and hunt all the way to the countryside of Switzerland. Its name originates from the term land hunters. Indeed, hunters of Switzerland carry this snack around for a quick and flavorful pick-up after an exhausting journey of climbing up mountain after mountain. It is a semi-dried sausage and is pressed until its desired shape and form are achieved. It is then smoked and dried. It can be served with different types of meat such as pork and beef with some red wine, sugar, and more. If you plan to hike in the mountains of Switzerland, make sure to carry around Landjäger to give you the yummy snack that makes a happy tummy. 

Älpermagronen Macaroni Pasta

Älpermagronen Macaroni Pasta is a favorite Swiss dish that is also called Alpine Macaroni. Long ago, this dish was first served for the country’s alpine farmers. Because of its amazing flavor, it eventually became a well-known dish all over Switzerland. Mac and cheese, despite what country you’re from, indeed is a popular dish that makes every person crave it whenever they hear it. However, it can get a bit boring because it’s simply just pasta and cheese. Thanks to the Swiss, mac and cheese now have a little twist. The Älpermagronen Macaroni Pasta is a mac and cheese pasta added with a combination of local cheese, potatoes, and some onions. Some restaurants and home cooks have also decided to make their own version of the dish adding different kinds of herbs and ingredients. Mac and cheese in Switzerland is definitely mac and cheese like no other. 

Polenta (Cornmeal)

Polenta is a boiled cornmeal dish. It was once known to be food for the poor but has grown very popular over the years. It can be a great substitute for pasta, rice, or potatoes. It can be partnered with any dish that you like either chicken or yummy grilled sausages. It is cooked in a low-medium heat up until it turns into a mashed potato texture. It is another dish that belongs to the traditional foods of Ticino. The dish can also be served with butter, cheese, any stew soup, or even some cold milk. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

A Place to Behold: France


France, famous France—berets, pastries, and baguettes. There are no pastries without France! This well-known country in Europe may be one of the most popular tourists spots in the whole world. France surely does not falter to entertain tourists in the best way possible with its beautiful sights and landmarks. 

Moreover, this country is also a vessel of rich history; that is why France is so carefully preserved. It is the pride of European people who pledged allegiance to their flag. Truly, a statement piece in a tourist's journey! 

If you wish to travel in such intriguing land, make sure to equip yourselves with France's finest spots so that you will gain the whole European experience. Monuments, history, and revolutions exhibit a timeless era that can be fully shown through its scenery and architecture. The wanderlust will strike in, igniting an eager feeling to travel and stay in this historical scenery. 

Some of you may not be fully knowledgeable about France, so do not worry! Today we will present some fascinating information about France and its famous landmarks. If you ever wish to travel here, do not forget these places I will mention and go here!

The Eiffel Syndrome 

No one, as in no one who travels in France, misses this historical landmark when traveling. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the most famous sceneries in the world—one word of Eiffel, and it will definitely come pairs with France. This 1889 metal construction became the center of Paris—especially for its World's Fair; who would have known that it became the main attraction of France's capital city? Now, people flock all over this place filled with fun itineraries and activities! You can also travel to this landmark and have a great view of Paris' scenery. 

The Water City: Mont St. Michel

You might not have seen any more unique places than a water city! In a tiny island located off the northwestern coast of France lies Mont St. Michel. This beautiful city has been intentionally cut off with enormous walls due to the high tides of the waters. From afar, it may seem like the Atlantic city rose from the ground, but no! This landmark is usually accessible through a bridge since 2014. On top of the said city is a historical abbey built over several centuries—before Benedictine monks settled in 966 AD. The history is so rich that you can see how well-preserved it is until today. There is only an average of 40 people living here, experiencing the real rural village life. 

Triangular Museum: Le Louvre

Castle-like museums, traditional-styled museums, and one spot in France, the triangular museum Le Louvre. Huh, triangular, you say? It may seem weird since this is the first time heard of a triangular museum but did you know that Le Louvre is the largest museum in the world? This museum holds more than 35,000 art paintings, sculptures, and archeological objects despite such an impressive reputation! Moreover, this historical momentum was meant to be a fortress in the 12th century—before becoming the museum in 1973. The original copy of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is also exhibited in Le Louvre; how iconic can that be? If ever you truly want to experience France's historical culture—this triangular museum might be the perfect place for you! 

Mona Lisa: A thief made her famous

This famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci is the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. Initially, this painting was done by putting oil on wood, owned by France on Le Louvre, Paris. At first, this painting was a specific art piece in this landmark museum before being stolen in 1911. This then captured the entire public—newspapers spread the controversy worldwide, which gained international recognition of such paintings. After being regained two years after, then it became as famous and recognized now. Due to this, Mona Lisa is a piece that exhibits France's culture—thus, it cannot be bought or sold. Louvre's "Mona Lisa" is owned by the public—it cannot be shared exclusively with one person. 

Palace of Versailles

European culture is always linked with royalty. In addition to this, Versailles is there to represent the French monarchy. This royal residence was transformed by Louis XIV from a small hunting lodge to a palace with a Baroque interior. Every tourist is amazed by this unique spot—truly worthy for your social media feed! This palace is well-known for its Hall of Mirrors, a hall that majestically sparkles sunlight that enters through the window—reflected by beautiful, ornamental mirrors. The Palace of Versailles is genuinely one of the places to behold in France. Thus it is entirely logical to visit here! Its rich history is visible in such a royal palace that neither can take our eyes off when we see it! 

How prestigious can it be?

Tackling some of the hotspots in France, I, myself, is baffled as well. It makes you want to visit this historical place and make it your own lodge. Wanderlust strikes in, and the eagerness to go in France is overpouring; how much eager can you get? Regarding such places, this just shows how prestigious it is to live in Paris. Perfect lighting, scenery, and history—this country has all it takes to be one of the most famous tourists spots in the world! Maybe, that is why it is so internationally recognized; it does not disappoint.

These are only some of the places you can visit in France, do not limit your itinerary! There is so much more this country has to offer that makes you wanting for more. Also, do not be overwhelmed by its prestigious image, for these landmarks are meant to make you recognize the efforts of the French people as they preserve their history.

So make sure to put this on your bucket list! France is definitely a country you should go-to. The experience is varied and vast; how much more prestigious can this country be?

Truly, a place to behold, France.

Friday, November 12, 2021

All About the UK: Sights and Attractions


Europe has been one of the most popular places on the globe. People all over the world spend their hard-earned money just to catch a glimpse and experience the culture of Europe. No one can deny the beauty of Europe and stepping foot it in the continent would be a dream to many. France, Greece, Italy are just a few countries that have been an eye-catching sight for some travelers. However, a lot of tourists have said that above all, the UK or the United Kingdom has been their top favorite place in Europe. And there are numerous reasons why. To go over it all would last us the whole day, but the best way to find out is to experience it on your own. And to get the most of your experience in the UK, it is vital that you get to see only the best among the rest of its wondrous places. Here's a list of all about the best sights and attractions in the United Kingdom. 

Stonehenge, Wiltshire

Stonehenge, Wiltshire is indeed one of the most historical and astounding sights in the UK. This is where the infamous prehistoric stone circle is situated. Stonehenge is located in Salisbury, Plain in England. Tourists love Stonehenge because of its amazing and sophisticated prehistoric architectural monument that draws so much attention. This stone circle shows its 2000 years of continuous use, which shows a unique heritage. The beautiful formed stones are the remains of the ancient early Neolithic, late Neolithic, and Bronze Age years. 

Another amazing fact about Stonehenge is that it's the only surviving stone circle around the globe. Because of its beauty and uniqueness, it has been an inspiration for many paintings, poems, and other forms of literature seen in books, movies, and music. It remains a sacred and valuable site for many people. Truly it is a sight for sore eyes that makes numerous tourists want to visit and never go back. 

Natural History Museum, London

The Natural History Museum in London is home to many unique treasures of over 80 million specimens coming from over 4.5 billion years ago. It was first founded in 1754 and was eventually moved to its current building in the year 1881. The astonishing museum originated from the scientific collections of Sir Hans Sloane. Tourists have always found the museum very picturesque as its interior is designed in a Romanesque style. It is about 675 feet long that has two high 190 feet towers giving its visitors a classy and elegant ambiance. 

The museum features different artifacts such as preserved animals, pressed plant species that count to over-334 volumes, and 50,000 original books. The most sought-after specimen to see in the Natural History Museum is the large blue whale skeleton named Hope. Another interesting thing about the museum is that it specializes in conservation. Because of this, the inside is where specimens of the British naturalist, geologist, and biologist Charles Darwin. Famous collections of Joseph Banks are also displayed in the museum. Being in London means that there is absolutely no way you should miss this beautiful museum, not only does it serve astonishing views but as well as insightful knowledge about science and history. And since it is located in London, it is near all of the other famous landmarks in the country such as Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and the London Eye. 

Chester Zoo, Cheshire

If you love wildlife, Chester Zoo in Cheshire will definitely make a trip to the UK worthwhile. Chester Zoo isn't your typical zoo as it provides shelter for about 27,000 endangered and exotic animals. It is one of the most beautiful zoological gardens that have won about 15 awards in total. The zoo is home to 500 different animal species and a day to visit will be full of discovery and adventure. 

Every year Chester Zoo accommodates about 1.9 million visitors and this is because there's more to just seeing different animals. There are also fun activities to do that certainly make the visit even more exciting and fun. One of the fun activities tourists can do is have an active day in the Manado Play. The Manado Play is one of Chester Zoo's play areas where children can be as very active as they want. Children can either swing, climb, and many more. 

Eden Project, Cornwall

The Eden Project is a famous and beautiful global garden located in Cornwall, England. This enormous and astonishing garden is known for having the world's largest indoor rainforest. It consists of domes that give a home to thousands of plants. These domes make a natural biome. The history of the Eden Project goes back to 1981, where it used to be a clay pit in use for over 160 years. The construction for the project then began in 1996 and was open to the general public in the year 2000. 

What visitors come to see in the Eden Project are the different biomes it has. It has a tropical biome that is used to shelter tropical plants like bananas, bamboo, etc. The next biome is the Mediterranean Biome wherein it houses warm temperate plants such as grapes and olives. Aside from biomes, the Eden Project also has an outdoor garden that presents different temperate plants and flowers all over the world like sunflowers, lavenders, and more. 

If you're looking for a jam-packed day full of excitement, Eden Project also has it all for you. The known garden provides everything from different exhibitions to adventurous activities. One of its exhibitions is called the Invisible Worlds Exhibition wherein it gives us an experience of what the world is like beyond our senses. And if you look forward to adrenaline-rush activities, the Eden Project has the longest and fastest zip-wire for you. There are also multiple activities to choose from as well. There is a trekking course, a giant swing, or a 33 feet jump from the most amazing views of Cornwall. Any activity you want and need is within your reach with the Eden Project. It makes sure to give tourists the best trips they will never forget. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Best Places to Visit in New Zealand


Travelling has been a form of therapeutic practice for many. It gives them relaxation and is just a breath of fresh air. The world is home to astonishing and beautiful places. Places that people would die for just to set foot in, get immersed in the culture, and enjoy the overall aesthetic of the area. It is no doubt that traveling is one of the best adventures that no one should ever overlook. There are multiple countries that have earned the title of being a must-travel-to country. And one of these is New Zealand. 

New Zealand is known for a handful of things including Manuka Honey, its animal resource, wine, and best of all, it is known for its breathtaking scenery. A lot of people find visiting New Zealand like a dream no other. And they're not to blame. New Zealand has been one of the top popular tourists spots all over the globe. Aside from its astounding beauty, another reason why people leave their hearts in New Zealand is because of its safety. It is considered one of the safest countries in the world and has ranked second in the Global Peace Index of 2018. 

If ever you decide to visit beautiful New Zealand, make sure to check off the most beautiful areas there on your itinerary. And to help you with your trip, here are the 5 top places you should definitely go to on your trip to New Zealand. 

Bay of Islands 

If you're fond of nature and aqua life, the Bay of Islands is the place to go. It is located on Urupukapuka Island. It is three hours away from Auckland and is composed of about 144 islands. In the Bay of Islands, there are numerous activities offered for you to try. You can cruise around the bay, they also offer skydiving from 20,000 ft, scuba diving and snorkeling are also fun activities you can do. Aside from the many fun activities to do, there's more to the Bay of Islands, tourists can explore the ancient culture of the Māori people. It gives an insight into the European settlement perspective providing people with beautiful views with informative knowledge behind every sight. 

Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland is a city in the northern islands of New Zealand popular for its multi-cultural food, arts, music, and culture. It is also known as the "City of Sails" and is situated in the middle of Waitemata and Manukau Harbour. The best thing about Auckland is that the largest institution in New Zealand is here. It is known as the Auckland Art Gallery. The Auckland Art Gallery displays more than about 15,000 works of art all in the field of history, contemporary, and modern. If you like to have a sip and chew on a weekend, Auckland is home to different kinds of bars that would definitely make your trip worthwhile. If you want your trip to pervade with exhilarating yet fun activities, try out the Auckland Bridge Climb. It takes tourists up the Aukland Harbour Bridge. The Auckland Bridge Bungee Jump is also one for the books when it comes to adrenaline rush activities. Tourists get to jump on a height of 131 feet with sights of the beautiful view of Auckland and Waitemata Harbour. 

Tongariro National Park

The Tongariro National Park in New Zealand is a sight filled with the breath-taking beauty of nature. It is the oldest national park in New Zealand and is known as a dual World Health area. The park also gives honor. and promotes the Māori culture. The mountains provide cultural and spiritual significance for the Maori people that tourists have grown to love. With its astounding towering volcanoes, hot springs, and turquoise lakes, it has been one of the best tourist spots in New Zealand for nature lovers. What tourists have fallen in love with the place is its water lakes rich with minerals. As you visit, don't forget to get a glimpse of the Taranaki Falls and lava line of volcanoes. 

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Te Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley

A trip to New Zealand would not be close to an amazing trip if you don't visit the Te Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley is a geothermal area in New Zealand with geysers and hot pools. Just like Tongariro National Park, the Māori people also play a significant role in making this place very cultural. The Māori people have resided in the area for about centuries. Plenty of Maori myths and legends have been born because of the place. The geothermal landscape of the area is one to die for. The boiling mud and geothermal treasures continue to mesmerize the plenty of people that come from different parts of the world just to learn more about the beauty and uniqueness of Te Whakarewarewa. 

Coromandel Peninsula

If you want to do away with the hustle-bustle of the busy streets, the Coromandel Peninsula is just the perfect place to go. It is located on the northeast coast of the northern islands of New Zealand. Its scenery is pervaded with peace and tranquility. It is perfect for holiday getaways or just a simple escape on your own. No one can deny that it is the best place for a quick self-reflection moment as the views give off much solace to visitors. The beaches in the Coromandel Peninsula feature the finest golden sand. There are also activities offered where you can enjoy every bit of your visits such as hiking and skydiving and many more. Thames, which is a small city in the Coromandel Peninsula is also most visited because of its exciting gold mining history and as well as its hot water beach. The Coromandel Peninsula is definitely a paradise you won't ever want to miss. Its beauty and peace will make you want to go back again and again. While some people prefer the busy city, those who have a soft spot for a place of silence will never want to leave once they visit.