Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Things Needed for a Great Travel Experience

Things Needed for a Great Travel Experience

Travel provides a momentary break from the challenges of our daily lives. It provides different kinds of adventure and excitement. Venturing into a new space or environment, made everyone intrigued by all the novel things that surround them. Everyone forgets about their jobs, their classes, and all their other responsibilities. Traveling allows everyone to seek and discover, an interesting locale or a newfound favorite dish. Travel does not only see more of the world and the people in it, but it also aims to discover more about ourselves in the process. The major reason why it is important to travel or why do people travel is experience. Everyone travels to experience all that they can and all that the world has to offer. Experiencing the local culture by eating delicacies and dishes that are unique to a certain region. Experiencing what it’s like to communicate solely through gestures and somehow learn how to speak other countries' languages. Travel also aims for everyone to realize how living in a foreign country is not that much different from our own lives back home. These experiences help bring meaning to the lives of many, experiences both shape and define the person we’re going to be.


It is stated that travel makes you happier not only because of the escape it gives you but also in another way. According to a study by Amit Kumar, Matthew A. Killingsworth, and Thomas Gilovich from Cornell University, money spent on doing something so-called “experiential purchases” will leave you with a longer-lasting sense of happiness than money spent on having something called “material purchases”. The study says that “waiting for experiences tends to be more positive than waiting for possessions.” And, it goes on to say that “people derive more happiness from the anticipation of experiential purchases and that waiting for an experience tends to be more pleasurable and exciting than waiting to receive a material good.” Traveling broadens the people’s horizon or perspective in life, traveling the world and meeting people living in different conditions and treating life differently is what teaches everyone about the world. Going and visiting other countries, may even challenge their own opinion about less known places and cultures. Discovering new cultures can also help everyone to see the issues and the challenges of daily life in a new way.


Traveling brings so much fun and happiness and here are some random facts that will surely make everyone travel more.


  • Jet lag feels worse if the travel is from west to east, science has proved that jet lag feels worse if the travel is from west to east. The internal clock of the body has a natural cycle of sleep/wake modes that is slightly longer than 24 hours. Traveling from west to east makes the day shorter, while traveling from east to west makes the day longer, making it easier for the brain to adapt.


  • Italy has a free public wine fountain, in the small town of Ortona, there’s a free wine fountain.  Dora Sarchese Winery has opened the free for the public fountain,  mainly to serve those traveling the Camino di San Tommaso. The country is known for its magnificent premium houses that will make everyone’s eyes shimmer.


  • The Eiffel Tower, the most famous tower in the world seems like the work is never done. The Eiffel Tower is the daily workplace of 600 Parisians, making it not only one of the biggest tourist attractions worldwide, but also one of the largest job-generating businesses in the French tourism industry.

  • The best part of the trip is actually in the planning and preparation phase, a study discovered that going on vacation doesn’t necessarily make you happier. The mere anticipation of the time results in higher levels of reported happiness plus the preparation of everything makes everyone more excited. A perfectly good reason to start planning the next vacation right now.


Planning to go on a journey needs a lot of things and here are some of the things needed to have a great travel experience.

Travel Bag

It is important to find a travel bag that is versatile as it needs it to be, while also fitting all the stuff and is easy to carry. Consider the length of the trip, as well as if it’s an international vacation, or if you’ll be using a budget airline, and your primary activities, all of these considerations impact which bag is best for the trip.


Travel Tip: Creating a well-organized bag before leaving can transform the travel days.  Learn more about choosing the right packing organizers to pack the variety of everyday basics you’ll need on your international or weekend vacation.


Travel Essentials


Pack smartly, include clothing that can be worn on daily adventures, and then dressed up slightly with a different pair of shoes and a scarf. Maybe a dress that becomes a skirt, or comfortable travel pants that can be dressed up for a day at the market. Also, consider clothing with SPF or mosquito repellency if you’ll be in environments where that would be beneficial.




Digital photography has the power to affect the way we think about the past by allowing us to capture something in the present, and revisit it in the future. Through the sharing of images on new media, the ability to capture unlimited memories and the ease of carrying an unobtrusive object that encapsulates all of these functions, digital photography is truly having a positive effect on travel in the present day.


Travel Documents


As soon as the trip is booked, it’s a good idea to double-check that the passports and IDs aren’t expired and that they will not expire while you are traveling internationally. Inform the bank that you’re traveling abroad so they don’t assume fraudulent activity and freeze your credit card. Also, consider emailing yourself a copy of your passport, driver’s license, medical cards, so if anything happens to them you’ll be able to access them online.




A travel itinerary is a bit like a recipe for a successful trip. With a well-thought-out itinerary, the trip will be more enjoyable as everyone can discover the country with peace of mind. The travel itinerary makes it possible to organize in advance a road trip, itinerant circuit, or self-tour. This kind of travel, it is better to know in advance where everyone will sleep in the evening, and by what means of transport should be used to leave the next day. Of course, some improvisation is necessary, but often, for a short trip, it can be a source of stress and loss of time on the spot, having an itinerary saves time for a better travel experience.



One of the greatest advantages of travel is that it takes everyone on a journey into new worlds that everyone would have never been exposed to. Traveling allows them to meet people of different cultures, with diverse traditions and distinctive lifestyles. As they travel and discover these newly found worlds, everyone should take a moment to reflect not only on the differences that they observed in their lifestyle and behavior but on the things that unite us.

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