Friday, September 24, 2021

Wanderlust, Italy

The current situation of our society might not be the perfect ideal for traveling. Due to certain restrictions and a whole lot of quarantine, you would probably prefer to stay at home than undergo all those troubles. After all, what other resolve can you offer? 

Despite such critical judgments, there will come a time where you feel that spark of wanderlust—that lingering feeling you cannot seem to neglect. It allows you to hover over the surface of adventure, whispering, “What a time to be alive.” One of the most common resorts to this emotion is the sudden burst of decisions. That certain impromptu feeling adds fuel to the fire. A dare to travel—to live your life to its fullest, have you experienced that?

If you did, good for you! However, the question is, do you instantly know where to go?

Some people knew instantly where to travel, but the majority struggled with contemplation. As such confusion progresses, the ignition from the fire might run out. This leads to cancelled and half-baked plans, which can appear a bit of a bummer. However, that is only normal! In times of dire need, you should seek a variety of options.

Good thing, there is a place that fills every traveler’s interest. This environment grew in rich architecture and culture. This country is infamous for its elegant cuisine and outstanding infrastructure, Italy.

Travel experts never failed to mention how exquisite it was to have the privilege to travel in Italy. This country exudes a prevalent reputation. Thus, much of the people around the world put this place on their bucket list. Not only that, but a lot of famous artists and painters reside in this historical place. This prominent factor plays a significant role in why Italy is so renowned. The small and busy streets do not falter in this city, for the structure architecture of their roads will make your jaw drop. Who would expect such urban streets to be an aesthetical site of attraction?

Their systematic streets are not only the beauty that they can exude—you will hear some shady places mentioned in this text. The majority of Italy is the perfect place for vacation, are you aware of some of them?


Oh, Rome

The Colosseum in Rome

Oh, Rome. Rome is the home of religion and mythic history. Whether architecture or food, it proudly represents the legendary ghosts of the Colosseum and the origin of delicious pizza. It also consists of the ever infamous Piazza Navona, and the culture entailed to Italians, pasta. Since Rome is the capital of Italy, this place is rich in trademark history, and art enthusiasts will find this place as a haven of defined art pieces. After all, this is the center point of Italy’s diverse cultures, Comune di Roma Capitale, Italy’s most delicate treasure.


Canals of Venice


Water systems can be quite a handful; many countries try to hide it, as it appears to be unpleasant to the eyes of the beholder. However, if you were to consider Venice, you would need to rethink your decision. This peculiar structure is a definite hotspot for attraction. The streets are made with water, traveling by boat is the only resort to travel. Moreover, the most surprising thing about this is that the water seems not to be a problem—even the locals can assure you that it is clean. The grand canals of Venice create a trace of romance and mischief for first-time travelers.


Shopping stop: Milan

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan

Let’s move further; visiting Italy would be a bummer without souvenirs, right? Fortunately, Milan is there to suffice. Trendy shopping areas are located in the busy streets of this city. Shopaholics prefer to shop in this place since it seems more authentic—provided at a lower price. Milan does not also fall short with its rich history, for the ever infamous “Last Supper” is located in the heart of this city. World-renowned museums, and renaissance architecture, Milan might not be the first one on your to-do list, but you still should not forget to visit!


Hello, Naples!


Space is never an issue for Naples. Its definite structure will make your jaw drop in astoundment. Compared to the other cities, this place exudes color and funk the most. The beauty of Naples is not only from its rich architecture but also from its painful history. Tourists can witness a museum dedicated to the finds of Pompeii in this area. The infamous Mt. Vesuvius can also be visible with boat rides, and the joyful noise coming from this city’s architecture is something to die for. Next time you visit Naples, tell them we say, “Hello!”


Leaning towards Tuscany


The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Tuscany

This place is known chiefly to its two nearby towns: Campo Dei Miracoli and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Beside this exquisite infrastructure is a famous cathedral that gives them an entitlement to UNESCO. Pizza does not falter in Pisa since this town is also renowned for its authentic cuisines of Italian food, such as pasta and pizza. Travelers find this city intriguing due to its main trademark, so visit it while it’s still leaning!


Is that all?


This text only mentions a quarter of Italy—there is more to offer. The Amalfi Coast, Verona, and Sicily are some of the examples of why. Italy excretes a vibe of fairy-like elegance; this place is filled with too much culture that it overflows. However, as much as this country is rich with historical importance, this place also encountered a lot of tragedies in the past; thus, it shall remain an important memoir for Italians. The beauty Italy beholds is truly deserved by the remnants of this country.

Now that we mentioned how prestigious this country is, where more can you go? The pandemic may appear as a hindrance to adventure. However, the build-up of excitement is worth it. When the time comes and the border opens, our expectations will never falter. Dream-like fantasy land is awaiting for you to discover.

If ever the wanderlust strikes back, you now have an idea where to go.

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