Tuesday, December 13, 2022

5 Simple Backpacking Tips You Need to Know

Throughout the years, backpacking has been continuously making the rounds for all travelers looking to experience the world by bringing only a few things in their backpack. In its simplest form, backpacking is traveling with just a backpack, nothing more, nothing less. But this type of traveling offers all sorts of difficulties along the way with all the what if’s becoming what is, making preparation the one aspect of backpacking everyone should first undergo before proceeding with their journeys, with their low-cost and light adventure. 

With all that in mind, here are 5 simple backpacking tips you need to know before you head out into the world to experience it like never before: 

Train, Train, Train… and Train! 

If you’re going to be hiking for a longer backpacking trip, then you might as well start now by going for the small tours. As you’d be exhausting yourself as you hike the mountains, valleys, and rivers you’d be treading on, preparing not only your physical state of being, but also your mentality to keep up with the hike would ensure that no unwanted accidents or problems occur as you enjoy the scenery and take in the fresh air of nature. 

Of course, if you can’t go hiking right away to train your body, then going to your local gym and doing endurance training would help your body get used to the stress of walking, climbing, and getting around swiftly, effectively, and safely. 

Find the Right Backpack, Find the Right Gear 

Imagine you’re hiking up a mountain and suddenly your backpack slips off your back. Now, clearly no one wants that to happen. That’s why finding the right backpack for you is a must. In fact, it’s already in the name “backpacking,” so having a proper backpack for your adventure should be a priority before you actually get on with your trip to the mountains. To find the right backpack, it’s best to go in person to try them out and have a feel of it on your back. 

Apart from the obvious backpack, another set of items you’d have to prepare would be your gear. Considering you’re out in the wilderness, having the right tools at your disposal would help a ton in making sure you don’t end up having to buy items elsewhere or unnecessarily borrow items from the people you’re with as you go backpacking. Having a tent, if you’re going to sleep outdoors, is a must, along with a sleeping bag, since sleeping in the bare environment is a surefire way to get into trouble. 

Supply Yourself with Sufficient Meals 

Naturally, you’re going to eat. You’d be exhausted as you go up and hike, then you’ll find yourself craving something, with your appetite making your stomach growl for sustenance after the grueling but satisfying experience of exploring the wilderness. 

Food is definitely going to be part of your list of things to bring, and it may just be the most you’d bring outside. But climbing and walking around with heavy luggage is something no one wants, so bringing food that can be rehydrated or food with a lot of energy and calories, like oatmeal bars, should go straight into your backpack. Moreover, having other food you can cook in an instant or perhaps even consume right away is a great pick for your food supplies to keep you going with your hike. 

Don’t Go Alone, Have Someone with You

Backpacking, in its simplest terms, can be dangerous, even more if you’re heading into the great unknown alone. It’s tempting to have a solo journey in the wilderness, but having someone with you would definitely be a hundred times better considering you’d have someone you can rely on if things get tough or if an accident occurs. 

Apart from that, having someone you can talk with and enjoy what nature has to offer will definitely be better than just taking pictures by yourself. They can even take better photographs for you compared to a selfie you would have probably taken if you were alone. Having someone with you as your backup, your safety net, and your friend is going to make the entire backpacking journey more enjoyable and, of course, safe. 

Leave No Trace, Leave Nature as it Is

As much as people want to make their mark in the world, one should never forget to leave no trace of their stay, of their travels, in the places they go, may it be in nature or in a community. This effort is all to maintain the beauty and state of the destination, leaving it untouched by external forces and influences that, if evident, would cause drastic changes to the environment of the destination, maybe even disrupt entire ecosystems and the peace of these places. 

Here are some ways you can leave no trace as you have your backpacking travels:

  1. If you have to go to the bathroom, make sure you’re away from any immediate water source.

  2. In the case you’re using toilet paper, don’t just throw them anywhere. Pack them in your backpack inside a ziplock bag you can place into another bag for privacy. 

  3. Don’t wash anything directly in a river and don’t bring soap as well. The chemicals mixed in with soap may disrupt the natural reserves of the place, risking disturbance to the peace and order of the environment. Instead, collect water and wash elsewhere, away from the water source.

  4. Don’t directly bathe in a river as it may be the primary drinking water or water for other purposes of the locals downstream.

  5. Don’t bring home or displace anything in the wilderness. Leave them as they are. Ensure that you’re not going to make your mark in the place, especially if it comes in the form of trash. 

To allow future generations to enjoy the same scenery and landscapes you’re having your backpacking journey at, join in the effort to preserve these natural sights. By simply leaving things be the way they were when you arrived, you already take the necessary steps towards environmental preservation and care. This way, you can come back to places you’ve been and see and enjoy them the way they used to be when you first got there. 

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