Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What’s Down Under: Best Things to Do in Australia


You might be wondering, what is the best place to visit down under? Speaking of the word, “under” or the southernmost part of the globe? If you think of Australia, then you surely have the taste for a good adventure!

Australia might be known as the land of rich safaris and kangaroos—however, newsflash! Australia is so much more to its natural resources. It adheres to majestic nature spots as well, which coincides with too many activities for you to even count on. Thus, if you are an aspiring traveler heading towards the south, Australia might be the best place for you!

When visiting Australia, there are so many incredible experiences to be enjoyed that deciding where to begin may be difficult. There's something for everyone, whether you're looking for excitement want to meet locals on wildlife, exciting animal encounters, or want to learn about our culture and history with a First Nations experience. No matter which of these unforgettable experiences you select, you can't go wrong.

If you are further curious, then it is okay! In this text, we will show you all possible itineraries that you can try—if ever you come to visit.


Hello, Kangaroos!

Let us start with Australia’s abundant and finest resource—Kangaroos. However, in this case, it mixes with also the most famous itineraries in Australia—the beaches. Thus, laying down on a white sandy beach with the accompaniment of Kangaroos—is it not the best way to feel the Australian experience? It doesn't get much more Australian than resting next to a kangaroo on a white sand beach. Local roots have been observed to sunbathe on a few Australian beaches, the most renowned of which is Lucky Bay in Western Australia's Cape Le Grand National Park.


A road trip in Great Ocean Road

Who does not like road trips? Fresh air, different sceneries, and an activity that allows us to distress from all responsibilities, a road trip might sound like one of the best distressing outlets out there. What could make it better? Australia’s Great Ocean Road. Get your getaway car in Melbourne and be prepared for a journey filled with instagrammable photos, a road trip in Great Ocean Road is one of the best itineraries in Australia. Some of the world's most beautiful landscape is here, see the iconic surf sites of Torquay and Bells Beach, the kangaroos on the Anglesea Golf Course, Lorne's laid-back vibes, and the 12 Apostles' stunning rock formations. If you wish to drive nonstop, we recommend at least two days before you can fully explore everything.


Snorkeling in Australia’s Marine Life

One way to enjoy your Australia trip is to explore its rich marine life. Swimming with the whale sharks, turtles, and sea lions might sound horrifying—if you think about it. In Australia, it is completely safe with a good tour operator! Snorkeling below Australia’s beautiful waters will allow you to experience life under the seas. In Queensland, you can swim with the humpback whales, coming face to face with a whale shark on the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia, splashing around with the ever-so-cute sea lions in South Australia, and snorkeling with turtles in Queensland and New South Wales are just a few key experiences to get you started.


Visit the famous Harbour Bridge

An Australian trip is never a true trip without visiting Harbour Bridge in Sydney. This great infrastructure is one of Australia’s iconic landmarks—a perfect sightseeing spot from many vantage points. Take in the spectacular vistas of Sydney Harbour and the famous sails of the Opera House by climbing the whole bridge from south to north and back again (we also recommend getting a guided tour of the Opera House once you're back on firm ground).


The Perfect Nature in Northern Australia

If you like nature, then waterhole hopping as an itinerary is the perfect activity for you! A place that you can try this is located in Australia’s Northern Territory filled with gorgeous lagoons, waterfalls, and even thermal springs! The landscape of Northern Australia is much prettier than it seems—truly a one-of-a-kind tourist hotspot. If ever you have the chance to divulge in such a place, do not ever forget to fully capture the experience and feel the beauty of nature gratifying your soul and body.


Australia’s Historical Red Centre

For history-enthusiast travelers, there is one place in Australia that can teach you great history—and coincidentally, it is also the center of Australia, the Red Centre in Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. The native Anangu people, who have lived in the area for over 22,000 years, revere Yulara (Uluru) and the 36 domes that makeup Kata Tjuta. Take an Aboriginal guided tour to learn more about the traditional way of life, and don't miss Tali Wiru, a beautiful experience of dining under the stars overlooking Uluru, complete with a menu of native ingredients and Dreamtime stories if you visit between April and mid-October.


The prestige of nature down under

If ever you are still wondering how prestigious and majestic Australia is, what experience could be better than visiting it yourself? Thus, travel towards the prestigious nature located under and fully experience Australian life! With tons of travel itineraries, you will surely not fall bored with all its activities. Rather than bored, you will contemplate whether to migrate and live there or come back to your home town! That is how comfortable life is in Australia.

Now that we are done tackling some of the places and activities to do in Australia, you should have some little knowledge of this country’s explorative and beautiful nature. Don't settle for second best, go for Australia. Now is not the time to be modest. Explore historical sites, friendly faces, and huge open landscapes by going large. Australia is ready to greet you if you're ready for a big holiday.


Australia is a one-of-a-kind country that is big, bold, and colorful. Australia provides some of the most unforgettable experiences on the planet, from breathtaking coasts and landscapes to a rich environment and fauna.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Why Travelling Is Good for Your Mental Health


When everything feels suffocating, what would you do? After all, at the end of a pretty eventful day, it can be satisfying but at the same time, exhausting. Exhausting to the point that it gets to you—and deteriorates your mental health. Even as WHO suggests, mental health is the ability to cope with the stresses of life that can result in productivity even in critical situations. If ever you have deteriorating mental health, then normal-day functioning might appear as massive work for you and your lifestyle.

Thus, strengthening your mental health is one of the things that you should be prioritizing. Goodbye to pain excruciating lifestyle and try to divulge more into things that are good for your soul and peace of mind. One thing that can make you cope with such stresses is traveling.

Traveling is a great way to maintain your mental health stable without too many compromises. Moreover, it contributes greatly to a happier and more fulfilling way of living. Thus, if ever you feel your mental health is greatly deteriorating, traveling is one of the best ways to solve it!

How? Well here are some of the reasons why traveling and exploring different places become good for your mental health stability.


A breakthrough from everything

When life feels suffocating, then get out of it! One of the best ways how to escape is through traveling. This type of activity acknowledges the fact that you are currently in a phase where you seek a new environment. A whole different environment from the place that you are dealing with. If you are stuck in an office corner all day, then take a trip out of those office doors and go somewhere outdoors. Feeling exhausted by doing everything in the outside world? Then go home and take your well-deserved rest. When everything around feels too much? Go out and explore new places—meet new people—and examine tons of culture. It is fun! Travelling is one of the breakthroughs of life, so if that suffocating feeling strikes again, try going through your breakthrough,


A brand new scenic view

Changing your perspective can also help you stabilize your mental health. Traveling, for example, allows you to look through different spectrums of perspective—widening your scope of influences. Thus, feeling stuck all-day long doing the same old thing every day can feel a little restricting. Thus a brand new scenic view can allow you to look into other people’s eyes, fit into others’ shoes, and experience a new spectrum of differences. With this variety of differences, you might be able to see yourself in a brand new light. In this light, maybe you will get a little bit of perspective of who you are as a person. Finding your true self in the entire process.


Distress for too much stress

The most basic thing on why traveling is essential to your mental health is because it helps you distress all your stressors in general. Travelling can enable you to lighten your mood up—seeing life in a much better outlook or perspective. Moreover, these types of distress are important for your soul, as it allows a coping mechanism for a deteriorating mental health state.


A brain enhancing activity

Travelling is one of the best ways to improve your productivity and creativity. When you lack inspiration, go travel. Losing motivation? Travel and seek inspiration. This activity is one of the most used mechanisms for people who are losing passion or spectrum of their profession. This burning our feeling can be pretty dangerous, if not unamended. That is why you must try and ease this feeling in an instant—find something that can enhance your brain for the better. Try traveling and seek the things that you seem lost. It will help your brain function better—making you realize and be immersed in your profession, or even just in your daily purposes in life.


A place that gives you rest

Rest is one of the crucial things to do during burn-outs. Every once in a while, it is recommended for us to take a trip somewhere else, far away. One place that can give you a well-deserved rest through traveling. Travelling can help you rest your mind and put your soul in a solemn and quiet environment. Thus, this activity can help you boost your mental health wellness—more so making you realize why your mental health is important to take care of. A place that gives you rest must be your secret haven, and to find this, you must go and explore—look for somewhere that makes you feel at home, comfortable, and peaceful.


An increase in productivity

How much good you do to yourself, the more it will be applied to others. One thing about traveling is that it increases your self-morale and mood. This mood can greatly affect others, especially in a work environment. An increase in productivity is something we always seek but cannot be easily attained. Thus, traveling can completely ease your soul and mind to enhance your motivation, as well encouraging others to do so.


Travelling, a key to mental health wellness

With all things mentioned above, you might have a pretty good idea now as to why traveling can be good for us. This text encourages you to take priority of your well-being in the means of traveling. Exploring new places, people, and cultures is the ideal way of improving your deteriorating mental health. Thus, do not isolate yourself! Go out, pack your bags, and seek the big world waiting for you to look and discover!

There is no real solution in preventing burnouts, but coping mechanisms? Oh, there are tons of it! The most chosen activity from it is traveling, as it boosts your self-morale and others as well. So, maybe we can call traveling a key to a good mental health being. So for you to truly understand what it means, go and seek a whole new world—a captivating and explorative environment for you, especially for the aspect of your mental health.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Things to Bring for an Easy Travel Experience

The pleasure of traveling. There will be a time where travel restrictions are finally lifted—like as if the skies have awakened and a journey enthusiastically awaits for us, everyone. This is the reap of rewards from our enormous quarantine protocols, lockdown surges, and limited face-to-face interactions—finally we can now travel.

It may seem surreal, thus a lot of us are still in the process of adapting to the sudden lift of borders—just like how it was approximately 3 years ago. Moreover, this led to tourists having little to no idea of what to pack for trips—like small pouches, and travel essentials.

Thus, here are we are again, with another lifestyle blog—explaining to you which essentials you should bring when traveling! High hopes, this will give you a better idea on an essential trip—especially after lengthy quarantine and stay-at-home agenda.

Pocket Wi-Fi

Wireless connections are badly needed whenever you travel. Especially if you are on a tour, it is important to have a signal—who knows what could happen and what are the odds of you getting lost in a city you barely know? Thus, a good signal is badly needed for you to have communicated with other people and search through the internet in which restaurants are best to eat for the day. Moreover, with the help of an internet connection, you can flex your life-goal trips in any social media account, the true definition of “Sana all” indeed.


Notebook or Journal

To explore and document your full-on travel, you can also bring a notebook to keep your expenses and itineraries on track! A notebook is essentially needed, to jot down all your ideas and travel journey experiences ahead. You wouldn’t need to worry about a painful travel pack—since journals are very sleek to slip into your carry-on bags or luggage.


Small bag

For a trip to become more effective, it needs to be organized. Thus, small bags are essential to store and organize your things. From cosmetics, underwear, towels—a small bag is a must-bring to store your luggage into one whole backpack—while neatly organizing them all based on their respective categories. Moreover, you can also have small bags or sling bags that you can bring during travel tours, you can put your phone and wallet and you’re ready to go with stylish outfits!



What is the use of mobile gadgets without full batteries? A portable charger is needed whenever you travel. Since gadgets tend to drain their batteries quickly, you need something that can recharge your phones and laptops—especially in lengthy travels. Only a few airlines provide USB slots for charging, thus do not take it for granted and bring your own! Make sure to pack a portable battery for more efficient travel!


Emergency Breakout Fix

Skincare should not be discarded in traveling! Who knows? Maybe on your first day, a breakout will occur due to the heavy jetlag, thus an emergency breakout fix is greatly important to save the day and make your face all pretty again! It may seem less important during packing, but it will serve you a great purpose for rare unfortunate events like this. So, if ever you want seamless travel and clear skin, go bring yourself an emergency breakout fix.


Headphones or Earphones

Sometimes traveling can be a bit of a handful. It can be an earful—after all the loud and rowdy commute and travel from planes to land cars. If you are a person who likes to make peace once in a while, then maybe you will find your venture in headphones or earphones—especially if you like music. Exclusive music is so majestic that it allows you to breathe over exhausting travel, a great way to spend your time while sitting and waiting for your destination. As your arrival slowly comes closer or farther, at least, there is music that you can hear without worrying about others’ judgments on your music taste in public.


Scarves (Anything to keep you warm!)

Long blankets, jackets, scarves—these are some of the main things one should bring in traveling. Who knows, it will get a lot chilly during early morning travels and late-night endeavors—these portable heating packs will surely keep you warm and make you enjoy the adventure! That is why it is an essential thing to bring heavy clothing—especially when you travel to colder places, since the weather is greatly chilly, anything that can keep you warm is an essential thing to pack when traveling.


Travel pillow

What is travel without a travel pillow? A travel pillow can suffice your loneliness—especially if it is a solo trip. It garners you a plus one buddy, something that you can bring anywhere and provide you comfortable posture—in sleeping. Travel pillows are one of the most essential things in traveling since it relates to one of the most essential activity to do—sleeping. Travel pillows provide comfort, buddy, and a portable relaxation spot everywhere you go. Say goodbye to neck cramps or fatigue, since you can rest comfortably with your well-packed travel pillow.


Travel more, worry less

A lot of you may still be worrying about what to pack now, especially after those long long months of contemplation and anxiousness on whether it is safe to travel again. Now that, the borders are lifted, all we need is to pack our bags neatly and according to how essential it is to our daily lives. In conclusion, let us travel more and worry less and continue to siege through the adventure of never-ending wanderlust.

However, if you truly have no idea on the essentials of which to bring, this blog can hopefully give you an idea–somehow. Regardless, whatever you pack is still up to you! Decide what works best and pack them neatly, for a more seamless trip.

It may see more hard work than ever, but organizing is an essential skill in traveling. It lessens the chances of losing things, and more with enjoying the trip in just one go. So what are you waiting for? Worry less and start packing your bags now!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

What Lies Down South? Exploring Argentina

What lies down the South? Lying across South America’s beautiful geography, Argentina is a country that contains it all. Jungles, deserts, and long beaches—its diverse geography allows Argentina to thrive with beautiful and abundant natural resources. Moreover, Argentina is a land field with historical heritage—influenced by different countries all over the world, it is definitely a melting pot of rich and majestic art and traditions.

Moreover, in comparison to other countries that boast of skyscraper buildings, Argentina boasts of its colorful and wonderful barrios and neighborhoods. A new sight for incoming tourists. With this, Argentina screams of lively and cheery tango music, a peculiar sight for city folks.

Like the beautiful archipelago of Tierra del Fuego in South America, this region boasts of colorful culture. This big mass of land is almost two-thirds of Chile and one-third of Argentina—just the perfect mix for some of the best tourist attractions in the South.

Thus, that leaves us with a question, what really lies down South? If you are an aspiring traveler who wishes to dive into the land below. To make sure you arrive at the best places, here are some of the attractions that you and your companions can visit!


Buenos Aires

Recoleta, La Boca, Tango is some of South America’s pride, and all of these places are located in one of South America’s most attractive cities, Buenos Aires. Getting a real glimpse of Argentina, Buenos Aires surely does not falter in catering to the start-up of your South America trip. Thus, be sure to visit La Boca, Buenos Aires’ colorful and vibrant neighborhood—filled with “instagrammable” scenery. Moreover, Recoleta is the place of fashion as it exhibits countless gardens, museums, and galleries that you can visit too!


Iguazú Falls

Another majestic sight to behold, Iguazú Falls is as stunning as its name. Lying across the borderline of Argentina with Brazil, Iguazú Falls is a peculiar sight to behold. As if bombarded with thundering falls and a beautiful yet accessible walkway—this waterfall is considered one of the most protected sites of Argentina. This is proved by UNESCO World Heritage Site, as this huge tourist hotspot is greatly protected by such prestige organization. However, this is not a hindrance for visitors since as you visit Iguazú Falls, you will be amazed by how it will still provide you the best views until down below, the bottom of the falls called the Devil’s throat.


Tierra del Fuego

As mentioned above, Tierra del Fuego is an archipelago located between the Chile border and Argentina. Moreover, this place is an ideal location for hikers—as it will give them countlessly and various trails all at different levels. Ushuaia is its town base; thus, adventurers travel here before actually heading out into the wild of hiking trails and hikes. Tierra del Fuego is a hike-worthy trip despite its long-travel due to the beautiful scenery it caters to. With its countless waterfalls, forests, mountain ranges—Tierra del Fuego is one of the must-go places if you visit South America!


Just mentioned above, Ushuaia is not only a base for hikers—but it is also considered as the end of the world. Utilizing end, it is not literally an abominable apocalypse but a literal end of the world—the world’s southernmost city. By this, we cannot deny how cold it must be, living in Ushuaia. This city also caters to exotic landscapes as it is a hotspot for mountains, sea, and glaciers all in one. Now, this place is mostly known as a jumping-off point for trips to Antarctica. However, make sure to enjoy your stay and visit all the tourist spots, beautiful Ushuaia has to offer!



If you are a sucker for Art Deco architecture, then Mendoza is probably the best city for you! Being one of Argentina’s most aesthetic cities, Mendoza is popular regardless of its cold and chilly weather. Dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts, Mendoza is a city thriving in rich culture and traditions, there is no boring time in this aesthetic city. Moreover, every summer there are still areas that hikers are longing to visit too, and a lot more activities to try like whitewater rafting and mountain hikes. Definitely a haven for outdoor person enthusiasts!


Valdés Peninsula

Ever heard of pretty beaches? If not, well, you certainly have not visited Puerto Madryn in the Valdés Peninsula. Being the main attraction for water sports enthusiasts, Puerto Madryn is located on the shores of Golfo Nuevo. Moreover, this deep-water port exhibits rich and abundant natural resources—making it one of Argentina’s tourist hotspots and pride. Moreover, its diverse wildlife surely does not falter as Argentina’s nature reserves are preserved by the UNESCO World Heritage Site for its wide and varied wildlife—found in this certain archipelago. These beautiful shorelines boast of clear and deep blue water—including its beautiful and majestic skylines. A perfect destination for summer, perhaps?


The Rich Land of South

What lies down the South? Well, plenty of bountiful nature and majestic sceneries, it can be! Argentina is a place located in South America, some of the cities here are now included as the southernmost cities in the world—how cool can that be? Aside from that fact, a lot of tourist hotspots continue to attract travelers all over the world. From hikers, water-sports enthusiasts, or even just an ordinary family planning for the trip—Argentina is now a go-to place for wonderful and worthy vacations and retreats!

These places mentioned above are not half of what Argentina has to offer. This rich land of the south is not just something to boast from, it needs to be fully experienced—to feel the vibes down below. South America, is a place that boasts of rich land and historical wonder. 

Lying on the southernmost part of the world sounds intriguing, but wait until you get to see what it actually looks like. Experience the real thrill, acknowledge the culture, and learn more about its heritage as you seek and travel the majestic wonders of Argentina. So, what are you waiting for? Dare the challenge and divulge deep into the wonders down South!