Thursday, December 9, 2021

How to Be Safe When Traveling in the New Normal


In these trying times, we can’t afford to compromise safety. With all the lives stolen in the world, we cannot be complacent enough to just let loose. But we also cannot be too uptight to the extent that our mental health is in its detrimental state. It’s important to take a breather and get an escape. Of course, with everything that’s going on in the world, even just by staying at home, it can still make you lose your mind. The anxiety and stress we feel from fearing for our health and the health of the ones we love is something we cannot overlook. When we dismiss these mental health issues, it can lead to worse and worse things. This is why a lot of people opt for a shortvacation just to keep their minds off things and keep their mental health in check.


However, one thing we still have to keep in mind during traveling is that we are living in the new normal. The new normal wherein face masks and casual rubbing of alcohol are necessary. In face of a very chill environment, this is something that we may have the tendency to forget. But we shouldn’t. One mistake and it can cost not just life of your own but others as well. So if there’s anything you should prioritize in your trip, it’s to stay vigilant and stay safe. To remind you of the things that you should remember at all times when traveling, here is how to be safe when traveling in this new normal.


A Mask is Still a Must.

If you’re traveling overseas, some countries don’t require you to wear face masks any longer. And in a way, that’s good. It adds comfort for you to truly enjoy your vacation. However, we must remember that comfortability may come with a lot of risks. While it may be non-compulsory, you may still give it a go, just to be sure. Especially in congested places, where you are surrounded by a lot of people, you may want to consider it since the virus is an enemy we cannot see nor touch. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.


In countries or places that do require face masks, this may be easier for you to always be reminded of the pandemic. This gives us the idea that the virus is still here and that we must always be protected from it. If you are going to a place where the COVID cases aren’t as slow, double-masking is a good idea. This is to be extra sure that you are safe. Following all safety precautions never goes to waste. So even if there are times that you feel not-so-comfortable, remember that it is best to be uncomfy today than to be uncomfy in a hotel bed.


Don’t Neglect Your Alcohol

Alcohol has been a necessity that we always bring along everywhere we go. And this is because alcohol destroys germs and bacterias. A 2020 study shows that alcohol does kill the Coronavirus which of course helps prevent catching the feared virus. In everywhere you go, before you touch any surface, make sure to spray some alcohol first. We don’t know the germs and bacteria that could be on the surface of any public property item. Whether it be the elevators, doors, or seats. We cannot say for sure what place is actually safe. The only place we can assure ourselves that is safe is our home because we know the people inside and the whereabouts of everyone. In public places, it’s best to keep it safe, spray alcohol wherever you are, and avoid touching anything.


Even when touching someone’s hand, you still shouldn’t forget about alcohol. Like said earlier, the virus can’t be seen or felt. This allows the virus to enter your body before you even know it and before you can prevent it. In the people we meet, we have no idea where they have been and which people they met before you. To prioritize your safety, put some alcohol on and keep doing it until you get home.

Get Tested

When you travel, one of the prioritized safety protocols to take is to get tested. This shows the importance of getting tested for the virus. When your tests turn out positive, it’s important not to panic and to assess yourself. If you don’t feel anything then you may be asymptomatic but you still have to check your health, most especially, your oxygen levels. But if your test turns out negative, this doesn’t mean you should be complacent. Some countries still require you to stay in quarantine despite a negative test result because not all tests are 100% accurate. Regardless, testing is still an important protocol to follow.

Stay in Quarantine

One of the reasons why COVID cases decrease is when people isolate themselves from each other. This is because when the virus does not find a host after 14 days, it dies on its own. This is the reason why every time the cases surge in countries, health professionals suggest another lockdown. Take your 14-day quarantine seriously because you must always remember that it is not only your life at stake but also other people’s lives. People who have families to feed. Some people fail to take quarantine as seriously as they should. Some don’t finish the 14-day quarantine because they want to wander around the place right away. This causes, of course, a breach of law but also harm to their own health as well as others. You may be out of the room for a short time, but your fun will never be tantamount to other people that you may have affected and the law you did not obey. Quarantine may be slightly boring but remember that it is your simple role to take part in helping countries overcome the pandemic. While the whole world is facing great trouble, this is the least you can do out of respect for the place you are in and out of respect for its resident. 

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