Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Millennial Travel Trends: Top 5


Life as a millennial will always have you at the crossroads of further developing your career and living the life of travel you’ve always wanted. Having the opportunity to go on a vacation, relax, and enjoy will always be precious, so it’s best to ensure that your time and money are both well-spent. Maximize your trips and vacations by knowing these top five travel trends arising among the millennials: 

Top 5: Seeing the World 

Who doesn’t want to see the world? With everything it has to offer, from its natural wonders to man-made destinations, every millennial out there dreams to take an adventure and see the world. From the domestic destinations in your home country to the spots outside it, taking the first step to ride the car or to ride an airplane to your destination will never fail to feel like the beginning of an adventure. 

And seeing the world doesn’t only mean going to tourist spots and already-famous destinations. Seeing the world begins with going to what else it has to offer, and finding the hidden gems that the public doesn’t know. Having a feeling that you’re the first to experience this precious moment at this unique place will feel like a once-in-a-lifetime experience that no one else could get but you at that exact moment in time.

Seeing the world means seeing it for yourself, not through a curated travel guide, but through your discoveries as you go. By simply letting the world provide the experience, millennials fulfill their desires of wanting to experience it, making their trips more genuine, whole, and worthwhile. 

Top 4: Experience over Cost 

Most millennials now prioritize the experience over the promise of a trip’s high costs. The notion of expensive travel being the highest quality there is has become scrapped in the face of millennials seeing the value of experiencing the world for what it is. The cost of having to rent at a highly-renowned hotel for its great services is now disregarded for experiencing a stay at the local apartments of a destination would deepen the experience, giving you the opportunity to experience multiple things at once. 

Having the experience of immersing yourself in your destinations becomes worth it as there really are experiences money cannot buy. Apart from experiencing a place for what it really is, having lesser costs also eases the stress of the traveler on having to spend more and more money. Any millennial would take the chance of going on a trip without having to spend so much. 

Top 3: Experiencing Culture & Tradition 

With the world becoming more and more intertwined through the Internet, millennials have become more aware of the different existing cultures and traditions around the world. This awareness has also led to a sort of curiosity that has sparked their desire to experience, hence the desire to travel. And with the desire to travel, the millennials curate the cultures and traditions they would like to see and experience for themselves. 

Knowing more about the world and what it has to offer becomes more than just a moment of enjoyment, it has now become a learning experience. These millennials know that culture and tradition aren’t solely supposed to be for pleasure, but more of a learning journey towards deepening their humanity and connection with one another. The differences highlight the similarities and this is one reason why we travel: to see what else intertwines us with the world, and vice versa.

Top 2: Sustainable Travel 

And of course, as millennials become highly aware of the world, they also keep in mind the necessity of sustainable travel, a type of travel that ensures the minimization of the carbon footprint we leave on the world as we travel. Along with enjoying the travels, millennials still see the social responsibility in maintaining a sustainable life even on their vacations. The desire for sustainability for the sake of a better world does not stop even in the face of enjoyment, pleasure, and travel. 

Sustainable travel can come in all sorts of forms, from the actual transportation itself to the things we bring and consume during our travels. Along with this, millennials also ensure their sustainable ways by making sure that their travel to a certain destination does not disrupt any sort of ecosystem or wildlife. They do this through properly segregating and disposing of their waste, treating it as both a matter of respect to the locals and action towards a more sustainable society. 

Top 1: Micro-cations 

With what the name suggests, “micro-cations” are micro vacations, short vacations that offer an experience like a complete and full one. Given the hectic schedules of these millennials, making time and having time in the first place is difficult, so they have to crunch their vacations into sweet and short vacations, ensuring that their vacation is worth it and well–planned. While their planning may go through various stages from research to actually building their itinerary, these millennials make sure to have fun in the process of doing so as well. 

A type of micro-cation most millennials do is “stay-cations,” wherein they rent a certain apartment, condo, or hotel unit only to stay and relax, enjoying their time for themselves or sometimes with their partner, friends, or family. Oftentimes, these rented units are still located in the city, just in a different place to provide that sense of relief and a new environment to the stressed and overwhelmed millennial. 

Micro-cations are the millennial solution to this fast-paced world that demands them to always be on the go and be readily available. But since a short vacation won’t always remedy the worries they currently hold, may it be from work, life, or their relationships, millennials make sure that their itinerary is well-researched and well-planned, without having to stress and think about the next thing to do, on the spot and on the road. 

This type of vacation is fun because although it’s short, knowing you’ve taken the time to rest and properly plan for yourself is worth it for a millennial. Micro-cations have become a sort of self-care, providing their self-enjoyment and relaxation from time to time. 

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