Friday, October 29, 2021

The Land of Brave: Namibia

Over years of history, oppression and slavery are prominent takes on how harsh cultural tribes endured. By the basis of color and hereditary, people of color from the previous years have experienced extensive discrimination and racism, disabling them from the fundamental rights they should uphold. There has become a line between race and color, siding those who do not meet the criteria of the upper hand suffer. 

One of those places that experienced this intense discrimination in Africa, specifically Namibia—now known as the Land of the Brave. Once was a place for injustice and oppression, this land upholds a strong sense of patriarchy and strength—due to how people from this area survived through the division of race and colors. Located in Southern Africa on the western border of the Atlantic Ocean, Namibia was colonized by the German empire in the 19th century. It was indeed a painful event for Namibians—as slavery and oppression prevailed during this era. Moreover, Africans' length and striving battle were their cultural battle scars; it was the epitome of empowerment and patriarchy.

In line with this, the land of brave has one of the most reserves on Earth, mainly mining diamonds, uranium, gold, silver, and base metal. It is the basis of their economy. Africa was known to have outstanding hotspots—more so adding tourism value to this country. Namibia, once known as a place of prejudice, slowly gathered itself from the ashes—making it the place it upholds now. It was the result of their fiery determination and gave them a better future for Africans. 

The historical value of Namibia is something that cannot be replaced by power and money. It will always remain a heroic stance not only for Africans but also from other countries in the world that were once a victim of prejudice. As we move further regarding Namibia, let us consider how powerful patriarchy is to maintain pride and culture. 

Here are some things to know about Namibia, Africa.

Land of Mine Reserves

Mining is one of the primary sources of Namibia for economic growth; it accounts for 30% of this land's GDP, not taking into consideration the labor force. Diamonds, uranium oxide, and base metals are some of their prominent minerals—with gold, oil production, and natural gas becoming more increasingly significant to their economic exports. Namibia supplies almost 30% of the world's diamond output. However, each value varies with world rates and prices. Various African companies took up this industry, increasing Namibia's mineral factories and increasing exports' input and more income. As of now, this vast land still relies on mineral reserves as a center of its economy. The land of rich mine reserves, Namibia of Africa.

Land of the Republic

From being oppressed to freedom, Namibia has slowly attained its executive power. Now, this place is a republic country, being ruled by a president and its selected second hand. The term usually lasts for five years, who serves as head of state and government. Moreover, their government also consists of a cabinet, which consists of the prime minister and other ministers—still administered by the president. There is also a National assembly with 96 members of the bicameral parliament—constituted to initiate and pass legislation. All these legal processes and governance are taken into account in Namibia's republic government. Their juridical system comprises the Supreme Court, the High Courts, and Lower Courts—all play a massive role in maintaining Namibia as the land of brave that it is. 

Land of Rich Culture

As much as how Namibia exhibits a strong history, its cultural heritage also does not falter. Tribes like Oshiwambo, Kavango, the Herero, and the Damaras are some of the most infamous cultural groups in this rich culture land. With an overnumbered population, diverse cultures are found in Namibia due to their history. This place's culture was derived from a mix of national heritage and foreign influence, creating a diverse cultural community from religion, language, and agriculture. These people of color acknowledge their culture too much; that is why their tradition will never be forgotten. Its culture seems to be alive and evolving as Africans continue to strengthen their rich cultural heritage. 

Land of Strength and Power

This place had a history of a liberation struggle. Namibia has endured fiery battles and sacrifices from years of oppression, disabling them to a peaceful life. When Nambia was under foreign rule, they were pushed to fight for their rights, not ensuring their lives' safety. Fundamental human rights should not become worth fighting for—logically, Africans did not experience. From the lengthy battle for supremacy, Namibia became a place of strength and power—it has become a culture for this community to have strong leaders. Even amongst the youth who fights against injustice against the government, unfairness, or any form of oppression. Like birds being free to flock into other places, Namibians are eagles who pierce through their enemies—traveling towards their concept of freedom.

Bridging the gap of cultural differences is one of the struggles of diverse communities—one thing may seem to lack the other, creating cracks and mishaps. This situation was the case in Namibia in Africa; racist prejudice of color became their most critical problem—even if it should not be. They were victims of traditional ignorance—an obsolete education that is neither believable nor credible. Fortunately, these people know how to fight for their own and strive for the betterment of their community. All these factors mentioned above are results of their hard work and determination to fight against oppressors. That is why Namibia will always remain as the Land of Brave, a place of strength and courage that will always fight over injustice and discrimination. 

Now that we are done mentioning Namibia let this be an example of how racism can negatively impact the community. Namibia may have survived the painful scenes of their past—let us not conform to worse. That is why we should become more informed on balance and equality. The land of the brave must be the epitome to learn for the better. 

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