Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Things Needed for a Great Travel Experience

Things Needed for a Great Travel Experience

Travel provides a momentary break from the challenges of our daily lives. It provides different kinds of adventure and excitement. Venturing into a new space or environment, made everyone intrigued by all the novel things that surround them. Everyone forgets about their jobs, their classes, and all their other responsibilities. Traveling allows everyone to seek and discover, an interesting locale or a newfound favorite dish. Travel does not only see more of the world and the people in it, but it also aims to discover more about ourselves in the process. The major reason why it is important to travel or why do people travel is experience. Everyone travels to experience all that they can and all that the world has to offer. Experiencing the local culture by eating delicacies and dishes that are unique to a certain region. Experiencing what it’s like to communicate solely through gestures and somehow learn how to speak other countries' languages. Travel also aims for everyone to realize how living in a foreign country is not that much different from our own lives back home. These experiences help bring meaning to the lives of many, experiences both shape and define the person we’re going to be.


It is stated that travel makes you happier not only because of the escape it gives you but also in another way. According to a study by Amit Kumar, Matthew A. Killingsworth, and Thomas Gilovich from Cornell University, money spent on doing something so-called “experiential purchases” will leave you with a longer-lasting sense of happiness than money spent on having something called “material purchases”. The study says that “waiting for experiences tends to be more positive than waiting for possessions.” And, it goes on to say that “people derive more happiness from the anticipation of experiential purchases and that waiting for an experience tends to be more pleasurable and exciting than waiting to receive a material good.” Traveling broadens the people’s horizon or perspective in life, traveling the world and meeting people living in different conditions and treating life differently is what teaches everyone about the world. Going and visiting other countries, may even challenge their own opinion about less known places and cultures. Discovering new cultures can also help everyone to see the issues and the challenges of daily life in a new way.


Traveling brings so much fun and happiness and here are some random facts that will surely make everyone travel more.


  • Jet lag feels worse if the travel is from west to east, science has proved that jet lag feels worse if the travel is from west to east. The internal clock of the body has a natural cycle of sleep/wake modes that is slightly longer than 24 hours. Traveling from west to east makes the day shorter, while traveling from east to west makes the day longer, making it easier for the brain to adapt.


  • Italy has a free public wine fountain, in the small town of Ortona, there’s a free wine fountain.  Dora Sarchese Winery has opened the free for the public fountain,  mainly to serve those traveling the Camino di San Tommaso. The country is known for its magnificent premium houses that will make everyone’s eyes shimmer.


  • The Eiffel Tower, the most famous tower in the world seems like the work is never done. The Eiffel Tower is the daily workplace of 600 Parisians, making it not only one of the biggest tourist attractions worldwide, but also one of the largest job-generating businesses in the French tourism industry.

  • The best part of the trip is actually in the planning and preparation phase, a study discovered that going on vacation doesn’t necessarily make you happier. The mere anticipation of the time results in higher levels of reported happiness plus the preparation of everything makes everyone more excited. A perfectly good reason to start planning the next vacation right now.


Planning to go on a journey needs a lot of things and here are some of the things needed to have a great travel experience.

Travel Bag

It is important to find a travel bag that is versatile as it needs it to be, while also fitting all the stuff and is easy to carry. Consider the length of the trip, as well as if it’s an international vacation, or if you’ll be using a budget airline, and your primary activities, all of these considerations impact which bag is best for the trip.


Travel Tip: Creating a well-organized bag before leaving can transform the travel days.  Learn more about choosing the right packing organizers to pack the variety of everyday basics you’ll need on your international or weekend vacation.


Travel Essentials


Pack smartly, include clothing that can be worn on daily adventures, and then dressed up slightly with a different pair of shoes and a scarf. Maybe a dress that becomes a skirt, or comfortable travel pants that can be dressed up for a day at the market. Also, consider clothing with SPF or mosquito repellency if you’ll be in environments where that would be beneficial.




Digital photography has the power to affect the way we think about the past by allowing us to capture something in the present, and revisit it in the future. Through the sharing of images on new media, the ability to capture unlimited memories and the ease of carrying an unobtrusive object that encapsulates all of these functions, digital photography is truly having a positive effect on travel in the present day.


Travel Documents


As soon as the trip is booked, it’s a good idea to double-check that the passports and IDs aren’t expired and that they will not expire while you are traveling internationally. Inform the bank that you’re traveling abroad so they don’t assume fraudulent activity and freeze your credit card. Also, consider emailing yourself a copy of your passport, driver’s license, medical cards, so if anything happens to them you’ll be able to access them online.




A travel itinerary is a bit like a recipe for a successful trip. With a well-thought-out itinerary, the trip will be more enjoyable as everyone can discover the country with peace of mind. The travel itinerary makes it possible to organize in advance a road trip, itinerant circuit, or self-tour. This kind of travel, it is better to know in advance where everyone will sleep in the evening, and by what means of transport should be used to leave the next day. Of course, some improvisation is necessary, but often, for a short trip, it can be a source of stress and loss of time on the spot, having an itinerary saves time for a better travel experience.



One of the greatest advantages of travel is that it takes everyone on a journey into new worlds that everyone would have never been exposed to. Traveling allows them to meet people of different cultures, with diverse traditions and distinctive lifestyles. As they travel and discover these newly found worlds, everyone should take a moment to reflect not only on the differences that they observed in their lifestyle and behavior but on the things that unite us.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Best Things to Experience in Japan


Best Thing to Experience in Japan

Japan is an archipelago of some 6,852 islands in East Asia together with China, Korea, Mongolia and Taiwan. It is located in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Bordered on the west by the Sea of Japan, and extends from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north toward the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. Japan has four main islands, Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku, which make up 97 percent of the country's total land area. Honshu is home to Tokyo and many of Japan's other largest cities, including Yokahama, Osaka, Nagoya, Kobe, Kyoto, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima and Sendai. Hokkaido, the second-largest Japanese island and northernmost prefecture, accounts for nearly a quarter of Japan's arable land.  Hokkaido leads Japan's other 46 prefectures in the production of seafood and a host of agricultural products, including wheat, corn, beef, raw milk, and soybeans which are known as the key ingredient for tofu and all things miso. Sapporo, Hokkaido's capital and largest city, hosts the annual Sapporo Snow Festival, which regularly draws more than 2 million visitors to the spectacular exhibition of some 400 snow and ice sculptures. Kyushu, the third-largest and most southern of Japan's four main islands, is the site of Japan's most active volcano, Mt. Aso, and several cities with important historical, political and commercial significance, including Nagasaki, Kagoshima and Fukuoka.

The culture of Japan is ancient and is filled with rites and traditions to honor the family. As it is known that Japan is an island country, it was able to moderate the influence of other cultures for centuries. This allowed a distinct culture and heritage to develop for Japan. The country is known for their cultural rites, to celebrate the occasion. The first cultural rite passage is Hatsu Miyamairi or Omiyamairi, which means shrine or visit, it is a precious family tradition for the close loved ones of a newborn baby. Parents or grandparents bring the baby to a Shinto shrine for this special rite of passage. Traditionally done 31 days after the birth of a boy and 33 days after the birth of a girl, this Japanese Shinto tradition shows gratitude for the birth of the child. Babies are dressed in a white kimono or special white dress and are most often carried by their grandmother. The shrine priest says a prayer for the health and happiness of the newborn. Next is Seijin no Hi, or the Coming of Age is another rite of passage in Japanese culture. It welcomes into adulthood those who have turned age 20 and is held each year on the second Monday in January. Seijin no Hi has been practiced in Japan since AD 714, when a young prince dressed in new robes and changed his hairstyle to reflect his passage into adulthood. On this celebration day, new adults gather and enjoy deep speeches from government officials. Last is the Kanreki rite of passage it is the celebration of getting old at the age of 60 years old. To celebrate Kanreki, the celebrant man or woman dresses in a vibrant red dress or hat, seated on a red cushion, and is given a white fan. Food, gifts, and decorations all have the red color theme to reinforce the hope that the birthday person will have a long and healthy life in a "second childhood."

Japan is also known as one of the most top visited countries by foreigners, not only because of their location but also their culture and the experiences other countries want to have. Here are some lists of the places and events that you need to experience in Japan:

Rabbit Island

Rabbit Island -
photo from

The little island of Okunoshima in the Inland Sea is best known for its curious, big-eared population. The island was used to test chemical weapons during World War II, and it's said the test subjects roamed free after the war. Either way, the numbers flourished in a predator-free environment where dogs and cats are banned from entering, and today Okunoshima is a popular spot for cuddle-bunny tourists.

Hadaka Matsuri

Hadaka Matsuri -
photo from

Japan is well-known for its non-stop festivals, but Hadaka Matsuri must be one of the most bizarre. Thousands of Japanese men strip naked in public to secure a fortune-filled year, with the biggest matsuri taking place in Okayama, where an estimated 9,000 men get down to their fundoshi. After a few days of isolation to keep vigil and pray, young participants move toward the shrine wearing only the fundoshi. They run while being hit by an ice-cold jet of water. Upon reaching the shrine, they have to catch one of the wooden sticks, the shingi. Priests throw these sticks to the crowd from the upper part of the Shrine. At 22:00, these charms are thrown at them with almost all lights off to make it even more challenging. After catching the sticks, the first one that can put it in a vertical position into a case filled with rice is proclaimed shin-otoko. The winner is blessed with one year of happiness and good fortune, and they will also receive a monetary prize.

Harry Potter World at Universal Studios

Harry Potter World

Universal Studios Japan in Osaka is a must for Harry Potter fans. The very highlight of the park is the amazing replication of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter where you can wander the snowy cobbled streets, stroll through Hogwarts, shop for sweets in Honeydukes, drink butterbeer and cast your spells if you buy a magic wand.

Soak in an Onsen


The classic Japanese experience is soaking in the steaming hot waters of an onsen or hot spring bath, it is a must for your Japan bucket list. Onsens come in many forms indoor and outdoor, simple and luxurious, small and large. Most of them are shared, but some ryokans have private baths you can reserve. Onsens can be a challenge for foreigners at first, as you must be completely naked, most are divided by gender. It's worth getting over your fears as they are such a relaxing experience.

Wander Around in a Kimono


The best way to experience your stay in Japan is to stay in a ryokan - a traditional Japanese inn which has have onsens and usually includes a pass to visit the other onsens in town.  Wandering around wearing the provided yukata (cotton kimono) and geta (wooden sandals) heading out to hop from one onsen to another and relax in the steaming waters with your kimono on is the best experience in Japan.

Cherry Blossom Season

Cherry Blossoms

The best time to visit Japan is during the Cherry Blossom Season. It is towards the end of winter and mid-spring for the majority of the country, which is mainly in March to early May. The blossoms in Japan come alive in the south of Japan first as the climate is milder, before gradually going toward the major cities of Japan such as Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo.



For Anime fanatics, Akihabara in Tokyo is a very popular district for fans of Japanese anime, manga and games. Visitors will find countless anime- and manga-related goods nearly everywhere, making for great shopping for souvenirs and goods. Anime is known as the number one entertainment industry in Japan.


Japanese Food

Lastly, it is important to explore and enjoy the wonderful cuisine of Japan. Due to their isolationist past, much, but not all of their culture has evolved without foreign influence. They have their own unique taste and styles when it comes to food. Although there are numerous Japanese restaurants found elsewhere in the world, it is important to taste it from where it is originally from - giving the traveler an authentic experience. Experience eating ramen in an individual booth (mainly done to focus on the ramen itself), hot Japanese curry while it's freezing outside, takoyaki by the street, sushi, melon pan and many more. 

All foreigners receive a status of residence when entering Japan. There are more than twenty statuses of residence, including "temporary visitor" for tourists, and a range of statuses for students, workers and relatives of Japanese nationals and residents. Living in Japan is very hard at first, as you need to know their culture because their culture is very important to them. Japan is the world's third-largest economy, having ceded the second spot to China in 2010. This means that it is expensive to live there with high-end cars, luxury homes and expensive clothes found regulary. Looking for a luxury home for sale in Japan is very wise if you have tons of money because buying a property in the third-largest economy is a great investment.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia

Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is known for its tropical environment. This part of Asia consists of 11 countries which are Brunei, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries are so similar to one another, from their climate, plants and animal life up to the food that they eat. Throughout the region, temperatures are generally warm, although it is cooler in highland areas. Much of their natural resources are unique to the region and were therefore much desired by international traders in early times. Mainland Southeast Asia is divided into the countries of Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, and the small city-state of Singapore at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula; Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, which occupy the eastern portion of the mainland, often are collectively called the Indochinese Peninsula. Malaysia is both mainland and insular, with a western portion on the Malay Peninsula and an eastern part on the island of Borneo. Except for the small sultanate of Brunei, the remainder of insular Southeast Asia consists of the archipelagic nations of Indonesia and the Philippines. 

Southeast Asia’s setting is characterized by three intermingled physical elements: the mountain ranges, the plains and plateaus, and the water in the form of both shallow seas and extensive drainage systems. In all of these, the rivers probably have been of the greatest historical and cultural significance, for waterways have decisively shaped forms of settlement and agriculture, determined fundamental political and economic patterns served as great transportation in the early days and helped define the nature of Southeast Asians’ worldview and distinctive cultural syncretism. With that great historical significance, Southeast Asia has been very diverse culturally. With a total of six thousand languages spoken in the world today, an estimated thousand are found in Southeast Asia, plus hundreds of ethnic groups are also found in the region which shows how culturally diverse these countries are.

Traveling around Southeast Asia is a must-try experience to everyone as it offers remarkable beaches, affordable delicious cuisines, traditional and preserved culture, and the most exciting part is its great people as they are known for being hospitable, jolly and very welcoming.

Here are some of the Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia:

Phuket Island (Thailand)

Phuket Island

Phuket is Thailand's largest island and is considered the most famous. Blue waters, sandy beaches, spicy Thai cuisine, and excellent snorkeling and diving are all part of the appeal. Arriving from all over the world, travelers flock to Phuket for relaxation and adventure, and the island is rated as one of the most popular destinations in Thailand. Phuket has an exceptional climate with warm, sunny days year-round. Monsoon season is usually during mid-May through October, but it might only rain once or twice a day during this period.

Coron Palawan (Philippines)

Coron Palawan

Coron is a large island that is part of the Palawan archipelago in the Philippines. It is a cute island from where you can take nice boat trips going to beautiful lakes and other islands. In contrast to the rest of Palawan, Coron gives a small resemblance to Italy in terms of ambiance or presence. There are a handful of established package tours, where visitors can quickly join up with other travelers to see some of Coron’s top tourist spots. Visitors can easily travel in Coron with the new P100 million road-widening project of the Coron-Busuanga Road headed by DPWH Secretary Mark Villar. Enjoyable activities like hopping on a boat and heading to the stunning islands for quality snorkeling, scuba or wreck diving, and beach camping are the most popular ones. But hiking up a mountain is for those who seek a stunning sunset or dip in a hot spring.

Borobudur (Indonesia)


An ancient temple and one of the most famous and culturally significant landmarks in Indonesia. Borobudur was built in the 8th century and constructed in the shape of a traditional Buddhist mandala. This massive temple was forgotten for centuries, it is believed that much of the population moved to eastern Java due to volcanic eruptions. But it was rediscovered in the 1800s and, today is one of the main draws in Java. Visiting the temple at sunrise for a torch-light climb up will give you a breathtaking experience while watching the complex is surrounded by sunlight. Borobudur lies near Yogyakarta, an old Javanese city known for its rich cultural and historical offerings. It is considered as one of the top UNESCO World Heritage sites and is considered one of the greatest Buddhist sites in the world.

Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park (Vietnam)

Phong Nha-Ke Bang
image from

Phong Nha-Ke Bang is more than a National Park, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Quang Binh Province, north-central Vietnam. The result of earth crust development 464 million years ago it’s the oldest major karst formation in Asia. It is one of the best places to visit in Vietnam for caving, the dramatic karst mountain formation honeycombed with huge caverns, which are home to superb stalactite and stalagmite displays. The most popular destination within the park is the Paradise Cave, which extends for a staggering 31 kilometers below ground. The yawning caverns here are truly spectacular. Tu Lan Cave is a "wet cave," and a visit here includes swimming through the cave-systems river. The other most popular excursion is to the Phong Nha Caves, where the interior is accessed by boat. You can access Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park from Son Trach.

Sultan Omar Ali Saifudin Mosque (Brunei)

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque
image from

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is an Islamic mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei. It is often considered one of the most beautiful mosques in the Asia Pacific. It is a wow gagging view above the Brunei River, and the so-called village in the water, Kampong Ayer. Built on an artificial lagoon on the banks of the river, the mosque initially seems more of an attraction than a place of worship. It is named after Omar Ali Saifuddien III, the 28th Sultan of Brunei, who initiated its construction. The mosque serves as a symbol of the Islamic faith in Brunei and dominates the skyline of Bandar Seri Begawan. The building was completed in 1958 and is an example of modern Islamic architecture.

Universal Studios (Singapore) 

Universal Studios Singapore

Southeast Asia’s first and only Universal Studios theme park, featuring 24 rides, shows and attractions in seven themed zones. It occupies 49 acres of Resorts World Sentosa. The park is arranged thematically, with each area paying tribute to a location, film, or television show. Destinations include New York City, Hollywood, Madagascar, and a trip back to Ancient Egypt. Fiction-themed areas include Shrek's Far Far Away, Lost World, and Sci-Fi City, where Battlestar Galactica-themed dueling roller coasters and an indoor dark coaster, Revenge of the Mummy, dominate the thrill rides.

Angkor Wat (Cambodia) 

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world, on a site measuring 162.6 hectares. Originally constructed as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, it was gradually transformed into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century. It is known as the best-preserved temple in Cambodia and it is the only one to have remained a significant religious center since its foundation. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime attraction for visitors. UNESCO has set up a wide-ranging program to safeguard this symbolic site and its surroundings, as it is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia.

Southeast Asia is one of the first places people try out when they start their nomadic lifestyle. It's nice, it's warm, it's easy to get to, and it's a lot of fun. People often consider it as a short-term place to vacation or run errands. But it is also a great place to live or to settle in, living in luxury homes plus its warm and cozy environment will totally give the dream life of everyone. Southeast Asia is not just a place to enjoy and to roam around, it is a big part of history and living in a historic place feels different and exciting.

Friday, August 6, 2021

On Choosing Tagaytay as Your New Address

Choosing Tagaytay as Your New Address

Over time, building standards change and evolve, so what was considered up to code 20 years ago may no longer be considered up-to-date. Whether its the electrical, the plumbing, or the building materials used, a newly built home means that the latest standards have been implemented and inspected. Having a new home in this time of age is a very wise thing to do. And one of the most enjoyable parts of building a new home is the ability to have things done your way starting with choosing the right spot for your new home to making a floor plan and layout the design of your house. It is considered that Tagaytay is one of these perfect places where you can start your own home or build your dream house, as it is known as one of the popular choices for a quick getaway in the Philippines. Known for its cool climate, remarkable restaurants, and great sceneries,  Tagaytay never fails to satisfy the need of every Filipino for leisure and adventure.


Here are 5 reasons why Tagaytay should be considered as your new address:


The Cool Climate

It is said places with a cool climate, like Tagaytay, tend to have great communities and relationships tend to be closer and more supportive. This also explains why Baguio is one of the happiest places to live here in the Philippines.  The cool climate also tends to improved skin -  without the harsh sun rays, our skin tends to be much healthier. Cooler temperatures constrain blood vessels in the skin which makes them less prone to redness and swelling. The cool climate of Tagaytay is ideal for people who dislike the hot weather of Metro Manila. Known as the Second Summer Capital of the Philippines, the cold climate in Tagaytay is felt the whole year-round. The cold breeze and fresh air will definitely help anyone stay calm and relaxed. At night and during sunrise when it is cooler, it never fails to provide a sound sleep. Unlike in Metro Manila, Tagaytay is abundant in grand greeneries that contribute to its peaceful climate and ambiance.


Great Sceneries

Filipinos tend to seek nature and greenery. Unfortunately, with so much time put in for work each week and other factors contributing to our busy schedules, we tend to put nature on the back burner. Tagaytay, one of the top tourist destinations in the Philippines, offers beautiful landscapes and sceneries that bring delight and joy to everyone. The scenic view such as the magnificent Taal Volcano, Taal Lake, and glimpses of the stunning Mt. Makiling will absolutely eliminate stress in your body and help you to remember that a break to appreciate life is necessary. These sceneries are perfect for those people who like to take pictures, record memories and enjoy what life has to offer. 


Stress-free Lifestyle

Stress can be defined as a state of emotional strain resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. It happens to all of us at some point, in multiple ways. The benefits of being surrounded by nature arent strictly limited to people who are already obsessed with nature even if you generally prefer to be indoors. You are more likely to experience less stress and more motivation when youre surrounded by plants, sceneries, water and other sensory experiences that remind you of the beautiful outdoors. For over years and years, Tagaytay has served as an accessible retreat and escape for people who seek to unwind and be free from the stresses of life in the metro. It offers a laid-back kind of lifestyle that everyone desires. Wake up to the pleasant chirps of the birds in the area and experience being close to nature always. Congested roads are rare on ordinary days. More so, the basic necessities and the cost of electricity are relatively affordable in Tagaytay. The vibe that this place gives you, is more than just relaxation it gives you relaxation with beauty and glamour.


A Breathable Space

Tagaytay is a perfect location for those who look for a serene place that will give them the feeling of relief. It is one of the most visited getaway spots of many Filipinos and foreigners. Tagaytay is home to The Sky Ranch, where the 2nd-tallest Ferris wheel in the Philippines is located. Food places that offer delectable local delicacies such as the famous bulalo, the on the go soup of everyone in Tagaytay as it is perfectly made for their cold environment are also present. And their delicious and crunchy tawilis will surely make your mouth water. Plus, the  Instagram-worthy luxury Swiss resorts in Tagaytay and luxury homes make Tagaytay an attractive and wonderful place for people who want to be refreshed and forget the hassles of urban living.


Upscale Residential Communities

A house in Tagaytay is remarkably beneficial and recommended. Their residential communities truly have the ability to elevate the quality of life by providing liveable neighborhoods that are accessible to the metro but away from the traffic and pollution. These communities are ingeniously located near hospitals, shopping centers, churches, schools, and other essential establishments ensuring a trouble-free residential experience. It's also good to note the new Tagaytay-Alfonso bypass road started by the DPWH and its Infrastructure Czar, Mark Villar. Travel to Tagaytay is easier with the number of roads available. Tagaytay is for people who want to be free from the hassle of Metro Manila. Apart from being an excellent weekend destination, Tagaytay proves to be one of the best cities in the Philippines to retire. Retiring in a place like this is very worth the investment. More than it being a place where retirees can invest in a house and a weekend getaway retreat, it is now becoming a prime location for people who want to experience a better life without being too far from Metro Manila.


One of the best condo/resort that Tagaytay has is Crosswinds. Crosswinds is a luxury swiss resort in Tagaytay offering a wide array of Swiss-themed homes and is surrounded by the sight and scent of over 35,000 pine trees. The luxurious feeling of Crosswinds is surely a breathtaking experience and a perfect place to build a home. For starters, a great way to invest is investing in a condo unit. Buying several condominiums in areas away from the city is one of the greatest investments you can do as the land value will only increase in the future. Pine Suites Tagaytay, a premium condominium for sale, is one of the best condos around Tagaytay as it offers a premium experience with its great amenities and functional features. This Danish-themed condo community is wonderfully built and beautifully crafted -  very distinct from other conventional vertical developments in the area. Pine Suites' amazing condo community is truly rare - a place where you can bask in heavenly pleasure while you do your usual thing every day.

Pine Suites Tagaytay

Crosswinds at Tagaytay

Being more connected to the countryside can have a very positive impact on wellbeing, helping to improve your quality of life and it surely gives you peace of mind which is very important when considering in buying a home. Because home is a resting place, where comfortability and peace should be present. Living in condominiums like Pine Suites Tagaytay and Crosswind also allows easier access to nature’s wonder and sceneries.